Link to the Girl Scout Council of Greater NY
The Girl Scouts of Greater New York is New York City’s premier girls’ leadership organization, reaching
more than 31,000 girls ages 5 to 18 in every zip code of the five boroughs. Girl Scout programs focus primarily on STEM, business
and entrepreneurship, environmental leadership and outdoor education, take-action projects and advocacy. The Girl Scout community
in New York City includes 1,200 troops led by more than 7,400+ volunteers. Girl Scouting is ‘by girls, for girls’
and encourages girls to be go-getters, innovators, risk-takers and leaders (G.I.R.Ls). Today’s Girl Scouts
learn to lead with courage, confidence, and character to make the world a better place. Visit to learn more.
Girl Scouts Lead the Way at
St. Kevin’s
Four young ladies
earned their Silver Award with the Girl Scouts at St. Kevin, Flushing.
Recipients included from left to right, Jennifer Ginnane, Elizabeth Machalek, Sarah Castillo and Valerie Chan. Machalek, Castillo
and Chan earned their Silver Award by hosting three blood drives at St. Kevin Church. A certificate from the NY Blood Center
was presented to Father Robert Mema. Ginnane earned her Silver Award by teaching children in Vacation Bible School the principles
of Catholic social teachings, fair wages and fair trade. She also raised funds for the earthquake victims in Nepal.

(Above three photos - IHM Girl Scouts after February 5 - Scout Sunday Mass - Photos Catholic Committee on Scouting
Diocese of Brooklyn)