Our Diocese of Brooklyn Scout Chaplains are committed to supporting, expanding and serving the needs
of Catholic Scout Units, Leaders and Youth in Brooklyn and Queens. They are Bishop DiMarzio's appointees and his personal
advocates for the Ministry that Scouting offers all its members, with the profound support of the all Clergy, Religious, Lay
Leaders, Parishes, Churches and Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Here
are the Bio's of our dedicated Chaplains.
SCOUTING CHAPLAIN DEACON VINCENT LINO Saint Anastasia Church Rectory 45-14 245th
Street Douglaston, N.Y. 11362 Home Phone - 718-423-2543 Cell Phone - 718-453-2543 Appointment
effective January 31, 2017
Biography of Father Joseph M. Zwosta, P.V.
(On leave for advanced studies in Rome) .
Father Joseph Zwosta .was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Brooklyn. His first year of priesthood
was spent back in Rome completing his License in Sacred Theology degree (STL) in Ecumenical Theology at the Pontifical University
of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum). .
In June, 2013, Father Zwosta returned permanently to the Diocese of Brooklyn. He
served as Parochial Vicar of St. Helen Parish in Howard Beach, as Associate Vicar for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
for the diocese, and as Chaplain to the Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Borough of Queens. Eagle Scout, Father Zwosta
is also a recipient of the Pelican and St. George Awards.
Father Joe, is on a three year leave, in Rome, Italy, for advanced Theology studies.
Biography of Father Thomas F. Vassalotti (Chaplain
Father Tom Vassalotti was named Chaplain for Brooklyn for the Diocese of Brooklyn's Catholic Committee for Scouting
in September 2008, by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio. Father Tom is a Eagle Scout, who has been honored with the Outstanding
Eagle Scout Award by NESA, He received the Silver Beaver Award from the Brooklyn Council, and holds the Pelican and St George
Awards. .He was named Administrator of Divine Mercy Parish and served in that capacity from June 2012. until December 6, 2014
when Father Tom was installed as Pastor of of Divine Mercy Parish, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, by Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio,
the 7th Bishop of Brooklyn. You may
reach Fr. Tom, Chaplain Emertius, by calling the Divine Mercy Parish Rectory, 718-387-0256